

  • Admissions are open from Nursery to Class X for Academic session 2025-2026
  • Minimum age for admission to Nursery is 2 years 6 months, class LKG is 3 years 6 months and to class UKG is 4 years 6 months at the beginning of the session (i.e. in April of the year).
  • The School would inform parents about interview and selection process in due course of time.

Transfer Certificates

Students who are under transfer from schools (including outside U.P.) must have their Transfer Certificates counter-signed by the Inspector of Schools of the state concerned.


For admission to Nursery, LKG, UKG, Level 1, parents are required to submit:

  • A photocopy of the date of birth certificate of their wards issued by a competent authority at the time of admission
  • Five passport size photographs of the ward and five each of the parents
  • Aadhaar Card of the ward
  • Requisite admission form

For admission to other classes a certificate from the head of the school where the student is presently studying, will have to be produced at the time of admission. The Original copy of the Birth Certificate must be produced for verification when required. Application for admission should be given in the appropriate form. Children, along with their parents, will be interviewed, if necessary, by the Principal.

Admission Fee

Prospectus and Registration form can be obtained from the school office by paying the registration fee and completed Registration form need to be deposited in the School office within a specific time. The said registration fee shall be non-refundable.


  • The application for admission must be given on the appropriate form. The school reserves the right to evaluate the child in any or all subjects.
  • The school reserves the right to select or reject any application. The decision of the school authorities is final as far as granting / refusal of admission is concerned.
  • Parents are requested to give an advance notice of at least a month for the withdrawal of their wards. Otherwise, a fee equivalent to the tuition fee of one month shall be charged for issuing the transfer certificate.
  • Annual Examination are held in March.
  • Cumulative assessment of the whole year is considered for the child’s promotion into the next class.
  • A student who fails twice in the same class will have to be withdrawn from the School.


  • The fee is to be paid in the School Office maximum in twelve installments before the end of the academic session. Fee once paid is not refundable.
  • Payment of fee by Cash / DD / Cheque shall be th accepted up to the 10 of every installment in which payments falls due.
  • Cheques / DD should be drawn in favour of Seth M. R. Jaipuria School, Goel Campus, Faizabad Road – REVENUE A/C, payable at Lucknow.
  • In case a cheque is dishonoured, a fine of `150 will have to be paid along with the fee and bank charges as applicable.
  • After the end of the month, a fine of `50 will be charged per week or part thereof for late payment of fee. If the fee remains unpaid for two consecutive months, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls.
  • The fact that a memo or bill has not been received by a parent does not exempt the student from paying fee nor prevents the school from taking necessary action against the said student for non-payment of fee.
  • If any student whose name is struck off the rolls seeks re-admission, he/she will be charged a readmission fee equivalent to the Admission fee of that particular academic session, provided readmission is permissible and sanctioned by the Principal.
  • If any collection charges are levied, the same would be payable by the parents / guardians.
  • Detailed fee structure would be shared with parents only after registration of their wards for the admission process.


  • The academic year begins from April.
  • Usually summer Holidays are from the third week of May to the last week of June.
  • Usually winter Holidays of one week are observed in the first week of January.
  • Other holidays during the year are notified in the school diary.
  • School has adopted SMS Gateway for direct communication with Parent / Guardian.


  • Parents are expected to cooperate with the school authorities in maintaining punctuality, regularity and discipline.
  • Parents should ensure that their wards take an active interest in the school activities.
  • Continuous absence of a student for 15 days without permission is tantamount to indiscipline and the name of the student shall be struck off the rolls under such circumstances.
  • The name of a student absenting without permission for three consecutive days after any vacation is liable to be struck off the rolls.

The medium of instruction is ENGLISH and the school provides education to both boys and girls within a span of 15 years divided as under:

Nursery, LKG & UKG Primary School
Class I to V Junior School
Class VI to VIII Middle School
Class IX to XII Senior School

The subjects taught at the school shall be:

  • English, Hindi, Social Studies, Mathematics, General Science, Moral Science
  • Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Economics, Accounts, EVS, Sanskrit
  • Bio-technology, Computer Science, Political Science
  • Physical Education, Athletics, Gymnastics, Boxing
  • Art, Music (Western & Classical) & Dance
  • Yoga, meditation and languages such as Sanskrit are an integral part of the school curriculum.
  • The students will also be exposed to innovative pedagogy using e-learning, videos, and other latest technologies.

The School curriculum is based on CBSE pattern.

  • The Parents should ensure that fee of his/her ward is deposited in time.
  • Fee Will be accepted only through Cashless Channels in favour of “Seth M. R. Jaipuria Schools Goel Campus – Revenue A/C”.
    • Till 10th of the Fee Due Month through Cashless mode & E-pay only.
    • Fee Cheque can be dropped in the drop box along with duly filled fee deposit slip at the SCHOOL PREMISES during working hours of working days, till 7th of the due month.
    • With Late FEE at the school counter: Fee with late fine and other applicable dues as described in fee receipt book and/or student’s dairy will be accepted at the school counter on Monday & Tuesday each month , between 9AM to 11AM.
  • Please fill in all the information in the Fee Receipt Slip. On the back of the slip please fill up Cheque Number, Date, Your Bank Name & Branch. Please fill the Name, Class and Admission Number of student(s) and your contact number on the back of the Cheque too.
  • Please use MICR Cheque or Demand Drafts only. Out station Cheque will not be accepted . If fee is deposited by Non MICR or out station Cheque, it may result in non deposit of fee, which will cause inconvenience to parents and imposition of fine. Cheques should be CTS only.
  • In case of holidays on due date of fee collection, the fee will be accepted on the next working day.
  • In case the fee is deposited through cheque, parents have to ensure that the cheque is issued by them towards the fee deposit, is cleared from their bank. In any case school will not be responsible for the loss of cheque in transit, return of cheque or late clearing of the cheque. Please ensure that there are adequate funds in your account to cover the cheque issued by you. Cheque not honoured for any reason can lead to serious re-percussion.

Mode of Payment: All the fees should be deposited in school through Cash, Swipe, Demand Draft/Cheque in favour of "Seth M. R. Jaipuria School, Goel Campus, Revenue Account" payable at Lucknow upto 10th day of the Fee due month (April/July/October/January). In certain cases, Fees can also be deposited on monthly basis.

      Nur. To UKG I To II III To V VI to VIII IX & X XI & XII
                Hum. /Com. PCM /PCB

For New Admission

Registration Fee One Time (New Student) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Admission Fee One Time (New Student) 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 20000 20000
Refundable Security One Time (New Student) 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
  TOTAL   24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 26000 26000
Composite Annual Fee Quarterly (For all students) 14200 16300 16800 18400 19800 21000 24000
Annual Competitive Examination Fee (ACEF) Quarterly (For all students) 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
  TOTAL PER QUARTER FEE 14700 17300 17800 19400 20800 22000 25000
      Nur. To UKG I To II III To V VI to VIII IX & X XI & XII
                Hum. /Com. PCM /PCB

For New Admission

Registration Fee One Time (New Student) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Admission Fee One Time (New Student) 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 20000 20000
Refundable Security One Time (New Student) 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
  TOTAL   24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 26000 26000
Composite Annual Fee Quarterly (For all students) 13500 15500 16000 17500 18800 20000 23000
Annual Competitive Examination Fee (ACEF) Quarterly (For all students) 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
  TOTAL PER QUARTER FEE 14000 16500 17000 18500 19800 21000 24000

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